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Congratulations to Our Summer Giveaway Winners!

20 Winners Received a Free iGPS Scout Watch Phone in Our First Facebook Page Contest

We just announced the winners of our Summer Giveaway (link to Facebook page) Facebook page contest!

We gave out 20 free iGPS Scout Watch Phones in our very first Facebook contest. Congratulations to all of the winners: Alyssa O, Brittany F, Velvet M, Rebekah M, Tonya T, Kirsten F, Damien H, Jania M, Elena C, Daniel M, Kristin F, Michelle C, Margarita V, Mackenzie R, Nichole B, Renee A, Shelley C, Sheree S, Crystal H, and Viki D.

Congratulations, we hope you enjoy your iGPS Scout Watch Phones! We would also like to thank everyone who participated in the contest.

Thank you to all those who shared their stories!

For our contest, we asked participants to share how the iGPS Watch Phone could help them or their child. There were so many great stories that were shared. Here’s a small sampling of the entries we received…

“I have a special needs son who loves to explore and is very adventurous. This would not only give him his freedom but would give me a piece of mind!”.
-Crystal H.

“As a professional social worker I see so much bad in life and something like this would make me feel more comfortable in offering my child more independence to grow and develop!”
-Kristin F.

“I’d love to win them for my daughters so my wife and I can have peace of mind while they are away from us at school and other events!”
-Daniel M.

At iGPS Watch, we love hearing how our products can be used by families to keep kids safe and help parents find some peace of mind.

AUG 8, 2017 UPDATE! We Awarded 65 More Winners!

Call us crazy, but we had received so many great entries for our giveaway contest that we decided to award 65 additional FREE iGPS Scout Watch Phones. “We’re so thankful to everyone who participated in the first iGPS Watch Phone give away contest. Personally, I was deeply moved by many of the stories of how people wanted to use our product to make their children safer and their lives easier. I decided to give away 65 additional prizes.”

There will be more giveaway contests in the future!This contest was a clear success, and we look forward to more in the future. Please follow us on Facebook to learn about future updates, announcements, and giveaways!