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Teaching Children to Understand Responsibility

Freedom comes with responsibility. This is a principle that children need to learn as they are growing up and want to be independent. Being responsible is a wide and extensive undertaking for such a young age. As a parent, you can guide your child about responsible behavior through these steps.

Freedom and Responsibility

First, which aspect of freedom and the combined responsibility do you wish to teach your child? The first thought that comes to mind is doing something to the best of his or her ability. And this can be expressed through studying and going to school diligently. You can keep your distance while keeping a close watch on his or her progress in school by paying attention to their grades, as well as attendance in class.

You can now watch over your child’s ability to take responsibility through a GPS wristwatch. A GPS wristwatch can keep track of your child’s location as well as the history of where he or she goes before and after school. Explain to your child that having a kid’s phone watch is part of keeping him or her connected to you always. When an emergency arises, you’ll be able to locate and get to them easily. Part of their responsibility is to always wear the watch and stay connected.


Sometimes children feel mistrusted when you don’t give them the freedom to do things on their own such as going to school via walking or riding a bus. Give your child the freedom and exercise independence but with one condition – to stay connected with you via a GPS wristwatch that doubles as a phone with call and texting service. Rely on him or her to do the right thing by keeping contact lines open and the locator on to know where they are always Clarify to your child that by being available all the time for communication and knowing his or her location makes them dependable to make the right decision and keep them out of harm’s way.


Commitment requires the diligence to do what you are obligated to do or something that’s agreed upon. Teach your child commitment by being available to connect and responsible enough to wear the GPS wristwatch every time they go out of the house. By committing to wearing a kid’s phone watch and being diligent to never forget to do so is training them to follow through with diligence.

Giving your child the freedom to go to school on his or her own by walking or taking the bus is combined with the responsibility of staying connected and open to being located at all times via GPS wristwatch. This gives your child a taste of independence, relying on themselves to do the right actions, and experiencing responsibility via reliability and commitment. These steps may seem simple and easy and that’s exactly where you should start teaching being responsible – steps that are easy to follow but still require self-discipline.

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Kids Safety in School

Safety in and out of school is a real concern for parents. As children grow and explore their independent spirits, parents must allow space for development in this regard, while balancing that with the ability to watch over them to know that they are safe and not in harm’s way. Technological advancements enable you to keep an eye on your kids at a distance. A GPS Watch is an innovative way of keeping a close eye over children whilst maintaining distance and nurturing their independent spirit in and out of school. The iGPS Watch is a 3-in-1 combo of GPS locator, phone, and watch. It is designed specifically for school age kids find out more.


School Safety


As much as we’d like to think school is the safest place for kids, there are dangers lurking that you want to watch out for. An iGPS Watch Phone can keep tabs on the location of your child and allows you to stay connected with them via calling or texting. It means that in times when he or she feels unsafe or in danger, it is easy to call or text you.


  • The GPS and Geo-fencing features gives you the exact location of your child and you’re notified whenever they enter or leave the school area that you’ve set as Geo-fencing parameters. It also stores location history. This is useful when they lose something, and you want to trace where they’ve been to look for it. You also get notified whenever they change their route going to and from school that you are not aware of.
  • At times when there is danger in or outside the school, your child can call you without being noticed.

  • The iGPS Watch is designed especially for children. It comes in different colors and designs. It is discrete and looks like any children’s watch, so when an emergency occurs you get instant notification without putting your child into any further danger and can take proper action as you receive his or her SOS call or text.
  • The iGPS Watch is linked to a parent or guardian’s smartphone. You, the grandparents, aunts, and uncles can pitch-in in watching over your child.


School safety is a major concern for parents, and now you have a partner in keeping a close eye, while still maintaining a level of independence. Best of all, you can share the responsibility with other family members in case you are not available. The iGPS Watch allows you to be aware and stay informed of your child’s wellbeing in a discrete manner.