Two children with sunglasses float and splash in a bright blue poolCategoriesBlog Wellness

Sun Safety for Kids: What Parents Should Know

With the weather finally warming up, it’s time to get excited about outdoor activities again. Getting outside can energize your day – especially after being cooped up for most of the winter. But before you hit the playground, you should learn about sun safety for kids to make sure everyone can play safely outside. 

From SPF to kid’s sun protection hats, learn about sunscreen, sun safety, and how to get the most out of your outdoor time while protecting your skin.

Understanding SPF

When it comes to sunscreen for kids, it can get confusing. Sure, you’ve probably used it for most of your life, but chances are that you might not understand SPF as well as you think you do.

Sun protection factor (SPF) is the rating that sunblocks are given, depending on how much of the sun’s rays they block. 

The number that follows SPF (i.e., 15, 30, 50) indicates how long it would take to get burnt if you weren’t wearing any sunblock. For example, it would take 50 times longer to burn after applying SPF 50 versus not wearing any sunscreen whatsoever.

What’s the minimum SPF rating for kids The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) sunscreen guidelines recommend SPF 15 at minimum. This is a good starting point, but you can always opt for a higher-strength sunblock.

SPF 15 blocks about 93% of the sun’s UVB rays, SPF 30 blocks 97%, and SPF 50 blocks up to 98% of UVB rays. 

Some dermatologists might tell you that anything over SPF 50 won’t do much more to protect the skin. In fact, it can lure you into a false sense of security that could result in painful sunburn for your kids.

Keep in mind that sunscreen’s effectiveness is based on the assumption that it’s applied (and reapplied) correctly. 

Dodge the (Ultraviolet) Rays

UVA and UVB rays are both harmful UV rays. They can do a real number on any exposed skin that might be peeking out on your child. 

UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and are most responsible for premature skin aging. UVB rays are the primary cause of sunburn and skin cancer.

Avoid sun damage to your kid’s skin by choosing sun protection that offers broad-spectrum protection. This type of sunblock blocks out both UVA and UVB rays to provide maximum protection.

Also, consider timing your outdoor excursions so that you’re inside at midday when the sun’s rays are the most intense.

Different Types of Sunscreen

Choosing the right type of sunscreen ultimately comes down to what outdoor activities you have planned. The same sunscreen won’t work for every activity. Here’s how to protect children from the sun by choosing the right sunblock

Chemical vs. Physical Sunscreen

Chemical and physical sunblocks are two different styles of sunblock that have unique advantages and disadvantages.



  • Blocks the sun’s rays by soaking up UV rays and turning them into heat
  • They can take up to 30 minutes to work – which can feel like a lifetime of waiting for eager children
  • Aerosol application makes it easier to apply



  • Blocks the sun’s rays by reflecting UV rays
  • Don’t have a wait time before they start working
  • Can be easier to wipe off and might need reapplied more often

Sunscreen Lotion, Stick, or Spray?

Lotion and stick sunscreens tend to apply thicker than aerosol sprays. They may or may not be waterproof. Waterproof sunscreen is an easy way to avoid sunburn while swimming.

One bonus to aerosol and stick sunscreens is that they are easy to apply to a wiggly, active child. Aerosol chemical sunblock helps to avoid the whole “sunblock in my eyes” burning feeling that can create negative associations with sunblock for kids.

There is not a single “best” type of sunscreen. If you plan on staying out longer, a stick or lotion sunblock might be best. But if you’re just going to the park for a few hours in the early morning, then an aerosol can be a good option, too.

And when in doubt, reapply, reapply, reapply!

How to Explain Sun Safety to Children

Getting kids to wear sun protection hats, UV shirts, and reapply sunscreen can feel impossible. They often don’t realize the importance of sun safety. Here are a few ways you can approach teaching sun safety facts to kids:


  • Make it a game: Try playing sun safety dress-up. Grab bucket hats, UV shirts, and sun protection wraps and pretend to “dress up”, even though you might not be going outside. This can help kids look forward to protecting their skin.
  • Take it to the classroom: Making it a part of other, learning moments can help kids to understand the significance of sun protection. Look for books, e-learning apps, and TV programs that help reinforce sun info for kids. Who knows what fun facts about the sun for kids you might run into!
  • Lead by example: If there’s one thing that parents know for sure, it’s that the kids are always watching and emulating our actions as parents. Demonstrate the importance of sun safety by practicing good sun safety yourself.

Sunburn Information Facts

Even diligence cannot 100% prevent sunburns. While we try our best as parents, we’re only human, and there is a chance that your child might experience sunburn at some point.

If sunburn happens, it’s a good idea to use aloe vera to help cool the skin down and reduce inflammation. Keep the affected area cool and dry and avoid clothing that can restrict airflow.

Remember that sunburn treatment is only the first step. You’ll also need to make sure that your child drinks enough water and stays hydrated to accelerate skin cells’ healing process. 

Conclusion: Know the Facts About Being Sunsmart

The best way to avoid long-term skin damage is to make sure you understand the facts about being sun smart. When it comes to kids and sun, help teach your child about the importance of sun protection – whether that’s wearing sunblock, protective clothing, or modifying the “under the sun” hours. Understanding these parenting sun tips can help show you how to stay safe in the sun for kids.

Two parents hand their child an Easter egg as her face fills with delight.CategoriesBlog Parenting Play

10 Healthy Easter Basket Filler Ideas for Kids

Easter: it’s that time of year where your kids get to enjoy unpacking their bountiful Easter basket, filled with goodies. But maybe this year, you’re looking for some healthy Easter basket ideas for kids. 

Sure, it might sound like a tall order, but we promise it’s not that hard to accomplish. There’s a whole selection of healthy alternatives to chocolate Easter eggs. 

From sidewalk chalk to homemade bunny-shaped fruit snacks, you’re sure to find something on this list of 10 healthy alternatives to Easter candy that’s sure to delight your child.

Healthy Trail Mix-Filled Easter Eggs

We’ve talked about the importance of good nutrition in healthy brain development, so why not use Easter as a fun way to enjoy some healthy snacks

If your kid can’t get enough of cracking open those little plastic Easter eggs, then this tasty trail mix could be your go-to candy alternative for Easter eggs. 

Filled with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and even just a little bit of chocolate and popcorn, you can use this “bunny bait” to help catch that dodgy Easter bunny. You can find the whole recipe here.

Outdoor Toys

Now that the weather is finally starting to feel a little bit more Spring-y take advantage of it by filling your Easter baskets with alternative Easter basket ideas like outdoor toys.

Here are just a few great non-food Easter treats your kid will absolutely love:

  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Kites
  • Jump rope
  • Toddler-sized baseball set
  • Bouncy balls or other sports balls

Bunny-shaped Healthy Easter Treats

Chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies might have been the norm in the past, but healthy Easter basket ideas are here to stay!

You can have fun with homemade healthy gift basket treats, like fruit snacks. Making bunny-shaped healthy snacks for Easter baskets is guaranteed to put your kid in the Easter bunny mood.

All you’ll need is an Easter bunny-shaped cookie cutter and the soft fruit of your choice. Watermelon and apples are perfect because they’ll hold their shape, and you can decorate them with raisins to give them little eyes.

It’s this kind of bunny-shaped food idea that can excite your child to “indulge” in a little healthy eating.

Non-Edible Gift Sets

Even if you can’t get outside, there are plenty of non-edible Easter basket ideas you can use to fill up your littles’ baskets. 

Books, playdough and even glitter glue can keep the Easter fun going all day long on the rainiest of Easters.

You can easily modify the contents depending on your child’s age. For toddlers, playdough and legos can be great alternative Easter basket ideas for kids. 

You can make a few simple modifications to make it age-appropriate for babies. Bibs, pacifiers, and teething toys are great ideas for non-edible Easter egg fillers.

Sugar-free Alternatives to Candy for Easter Baskets

It can be difficult to break with tradition. But finding Easter basket ideas with no sugar can feel pretty impossible.

Here are a few different edible, healthy Easter gift basket options for your toddlers and tweens:

These ideas go to show that you can easily find healthy chocolate alternatives for your Easter baskets.

Gift Box Easter Baskets for Tweens and Teenagers

At some point, it gets a little more tricky to find healthy basket ideas – especially when you’re filling Easter baskets for tweens or teenagers.

Here are a few ideas of healthy Easter basket fillers for the older kids:

  • Stationery and pens
  • Gift cards
  • Lip balm or makeup
  • Packable fitness gear

Give the Gift of a Healthy Easter Basket

As we become more health-conscious, it has become more important to find healthy Easter basket ideas for toddlers, babies, and older kids. 

We all adore the traditional candy Easter basket ideas, but why not mix it up a little this year with a fruit basket or other non-food gifts? You can even try one of the many homemade Easter recipes to delight your kids with bunny-shaped treats.

Whatever healthy Easter egg alternative you settle on, your kids will love opening their baskets on Easter morning.


Children riding scooters wearing helmets for safetyCategoriesBlog

Teaching Children to Understand Responsibility

Freedom comes with responsibility. This is a principle that children need to learn as they are growing up and want to be independent. Being responsible is a wide and extensive undertaking for such a young age. As a parent, you can guide your child about responsible behavior through these steps.

Freedom and Responsibility

First, which aspect of freedom and the combined responsibility do you wish to teach your child? The first thought that comes to mind is doing something to the best of his or her ability. And this can be expressed through studying and going to school diligently. You can keep your distance while keeping a close watch on his or her progress in school by paying attention to their grades, as well as attendance in class.

You can now watch over your child’s ability to take responsibility through a GPS wristwatch. A GPS wristwatch can keep track of your child’s location as well as the history of where he or she goes before and after school. Explain to your child that having a kid’s phone watch is part of keeping him or her connected to you always. When an emergency arises, you’ll be able to locate and get to them easily. Part of their responsibility is to always wear the watch and stay connected.


Sometimes children feel mistrusted when you don’t give them the freedom to do things on their own such as going to school via walking or riding a bus. Give your child the freedom and exercise independence but with one condition – to stay connected with you via a GPS wristwatch that doubles as a phone with call and texting service. Rely on him or her to do the right thing by keeping contact lines open and the locator on to know where they are always Clarify to your child that by being available all the time for communication and knowing his or her location makes them dependable to make the right decision and keep them out of harm’s way.


Commitment requires the diligence to do what you are obligated to do or something that’s agreed upon. Teach your child commitment by being available to connect and responsible enough to wear the GPS wristwatch every time they go out of the house. By committing to wearing a kid’s phone watch and being diligent to never forget to do so is training them to follow through with diligence.

Giving your child the freedom to go to school on his or her own by walking or taking the bus is combined with the responsibility of staying connected and open to being located at all times via GPS wristwatch. This gives your child a taste of independence, relying on themselves to do the right actions, and experiencing responsibility via reliability and commitment. These steps may seem simple and easy and that’s exactly where you should start teaching being responsible – steps that are easy to follow but still require self-discipline.

Child coloring with crayonsCategoriesBlog

Kids Safety in School

Safety in and out of school is a real concern for parents. As children grow and explore their independent spirits, parents must allow space for development in this regard, while balancing that with the ability to watch over them to know that they are safe and not in harm’s way. Technological advancements enable you to keep an eye on your kids at a distance. A GPS Watch is an innovative way of keeping a close eye over children whilst maintaining distance and nurturing their independent spirit in and out of school. The iGPS Watch is a 3-in-1 combo of GPS locator, phone, and watch. It is designed specifically for school age kids find out more.


School Safety


As much as we’d like to think school is the safest place for kids, there are dangers lurking that you want to watch out for. An iGPS Watch Phone can keep tabs on the location of your child and allows you to stay connected with them via calling or texting. It means that in times when he or she feels unsafe or in danger, it is easy to call or text you.


  • The GPS and Geo-fencing features gives you the exact location of your child and you’re notified whenever they enter or leave the school area that you’ve set as Geo-fencing parameters. It also stores location history. This is useful when they lose something, and you want to trace where they’ve been to look for it. You also get notified whenever they change their route going to and from school that you are not aware of.
  • At times when there is danger in or outside the school, your child can call you without being noticed.

  • The iGPS Watch is designed especially for children. It comes in different colors and designs. It is discrete and looks like any children’s watch, so when an emergency occurs you get instant notification without putting your child into any further danger and can take proper action as you receive his or her SOS call or text.
  • The iGPS Watch is linked to a parent or guardian’s smartphone. You, the grandparents, aunts, and uncles can pitch-in in watching over your child.


School safety is a major concern for parents, and now you have a partner in keeping a close eye, while still maintaining a level of independence. Best of all, you can share the responsibility with other family members in case you are not available. The iGPS Watch allows you to be aware and stay informed of your child’s wellbeing in a discrete manner.

Boy playing games on a mobile phoneCategoriesBlog

Children's introduction to the cell phone world

Smartphones and tablets are necessary items that adults use on a day to day basis. And a lot of parents agree that they can be very handy for a child too. With that in mind, you have to wonder which is the best age when you can introduce your child to a smartphone? We are here to help you with that!


Start with a GPS wristwatch first


Before you opt for a fully fledged smartphone, we recommend you to start off with something simpler. Most kids GPS watches tend to have a basic phone function in there too. And the best part is that you can identify the location of your child too. As a result, this will help you stay safe, and the results can be quite impressive. Your child will be accustomed to technology, so you will ease him in as you prepare him for a first contact with the smartphone.


Use a watch phone for kids

The reason why a watch phone for kids works great is that it evolves from a regular GPS watch, but it still is quite far away from a regular watch. So, it does make a lot of sense to use this type of approach as it helps your child get prepared for a smartphone.


When should you introduce your child to the smartphone world?


According to a study from Influence Central, the best time to introduce your child to the first smartphone would be around the age of 10. As you can imagine, things will differ in the case of each child. Some kids are a natural with tech, others not so much. So, the right age will vary from child to child. But there is one constant here; you shouldn’t let your child own a phone until you are 100% sure that he knows how to use it.

Plus, you have to teach children what to do with it. After all, the phone should primarily be used to contact you in case there are any problems. And even so, you should consider using the parental controls at first. As you can imagine, if the phone is connected to the web, your child can end up accessing unwanted content. That’s why the best thing you can do is to keep him away from any stuff like that. Thankfully, most phones have this type of feature and many other security options designed to keep your child safe.

Offering your child a phone will obviously bring a huge responsibility. You need to offer access to only a few functions, and as your child learns more and more about owning such a device, you can easily offer more access as time goes by. This is a very good idea, and it helps your child a lot.

Keep in mind the fact that introducing your child to a smartphone is a big deal. But as we mentioned earlier, try to do this gradually. Offer restricted access at first, and then unlock more and more features. It’s a natural approach, and in the end, it’s the best way to show your child what a smartphone is and how to use it!

Child buckling his seat belt for summer safetyCategoriesBlog

Children Safety Tips

Technology surrounds us on a day to day basis. And while parents find it easier to adapt to the new changes, it’s a lot harder for kids to identify what’s right and what’s wrong. That’s especially true when they have immediate access to the internet nowadays. But as you can imagine, this goes well beyond the digital world. With that in mind, here you have some helpful tips that will help your child stay safe!

Purchase a GPS wristwatch

The primary benefit you get from a GPS wristwatch is that your child’s location will always be monitored. You will know the location of your child in no time. So, if something happens and your child gets lost, you will have no problem finding him fast. There are a plethora of unique kids GPS watches out there, so you have to find the one that suits your needs.

Keep chemicals away from your child

Children are known to be very curious. They will always want to try out the new items and stuff that’s laying inside your home. So, they can end up using chemicals by mistake. These can easily cause burns and respiratory problems, so it’s important to keep those away.

Don’t talk to strangers

Aside from getting watch phones for kids, you also want to teach your child about the danger of talking with strangers. Sure, some strangers are polite, but others will want to cause them harm. So, not talking to strangers is a very good idea.

iGPS Watch Phone

Teach your child the first steps to focus on when he gets lost

First, you want your child to know your name, number, and address. Then you also have to teach him to go to a particular place in town or reach one of your friends. This way there will be fewer safety hazards and problems.

Don’t share all your information online

Hackers and thieves are always lurking online, and they even steal information and personal data from kids. Aside from purchasing a kids watch phone, you should also consider teaching your child about the dangers of sharing data online. This is a very important lesson, as it helps your child identify what to do and how to behave online.

Cover the electrical outlets

As we mentioned earlier, kids are very curious. As a result, you need to make sure that you cover the electrical outlets. You don’t want them to deal with any type of accident, so try to consider that.

As you can see, it’s very important for your child to know these simple tips. They can save his life, so it’s important to teach him everything that will eventually offer the safety he needs. From knowing your name and addressing, not panicking when something goes wrong and purchasing a watch phone for kids, there are many things you can focus on if child safety is a priority. Remember, you want your child to be safe in the long term, and the only way you can do that is by talking with him and having a serious conversation about the dangers lurking inside and outside your home!

Mom giving a high five for kids on summer breakCategoriesBlog

Congratulations to Our Summer Giveaway Winners!

20 Winners Received a Free iGPS Scout Watch Phone in Our First Facebook Page Contest

We just announced the winners of our Summer Giveaway (link to Facebook page) Facebook page contest!

We gave out 20 free iGPS Scout Watch Phones in our very first Facebook contest. Congratulations to all of the winners: Alyssa O, Brittany F, Velvet M, Rebekah M, Tonya T, Kirsten F, Damien H, Jania M, Elena C, Daniel M, Kristin F, Michelle C, Margarita V, Mackenzie R, Nichole B, Renee A, Shelley C, Sheree S, Crystal H, and Viki D.

Congratulations, we hope you enjoy your iGPS Scout Watch Phones! We would also like to thank everyone who participated in the contest.

Thank you to all those who shared their stories!

For our contest, we asked participants to share how the iGPS Watch Phone could help them or their child. There were so many great stories that were shared. Here’s a small sampling of the entries we received…

“I have a special needs son who loves to explore and is very adventurous. This would not only give him his freedom but would give me a piece of mind!”.
-Crystal H.

“As a professional social worker I see so much bad in life and something like this would make me feel more comfortable in offering my child more independence to grow and develop!”
-Kristin F.

“I’d love to win them for my daughters so my wife and I can have peace of mind while they are away from us at school and other events!”
-Daniel M.

At iGPS Watch, we love hearing how our products can be used by families to keep kids safe and help parents find some peace of mind.

AUG 8, 2017 UPDATE! We Awarded 65 More Winners!

Call us crazy, but we had received so many great entries for our giveaway contest that we decided to award 65 additional FREE iGPS Scout Watch Phones. “We’re so thankful to everyone who participated in the first iGPS Watch Phone give away contest. Personally, I was deeply moved by many of the stories of how people wanted to use our product to make their children safer and their lives easier. I decided to give away 65 additional prizes.”

There will be more giveaway contests in the future!This contest was a clear success, and we look forward to more in the future. Please follow us on Facebook to learn about future updates, announcements, and giveaways!

Child at the beach for summer break sitting on a soccer ballCategoriesBlog

Sun Safety for Summer Break

Sunburn can happen within 15 minutes of being in the sun, but the redness and discomfort may not be noticed for a few hours. Repeated sunburns can lead to skin cancer. Unprotected sun exposure is even more dangerous for kids who have many moles or freckles, very fair skin and hair, or a family history of skin cancer.

iGPS Watch mobile GPS navigationCategoriesBlog

5 Good Reasons to Opt for a GPS Watch for Children

GPS devices are now part of our everyday life and our children are not left behind either… So if you want to combine the useful gadgets with the pleasant, you should consider equipping your child with a GPS watch to ensure safety and peace of mind. The models available on the market are numerous, offering vibrant colors which are attractive for a child and many other useful features which makes the gadget fun for your child.

  1. Securing your Child’s First Trip Alone

Your child wants to go to school alone. The anguish! To reassure you, you equip him with a GPS watch on which you can define safe zones, between your accommodation and its school for example. You are thus warned as soon as your child leaves designated safe zones.

  1. Empowering your Child

Since the time he spoke to you, you cannot go back. On Saturday, your “baby” will go cycling with his friends. Oh my God! Yes, but for his safety and peace of mind, you gave him a GPS Watch. Thus, you will always know where your childs location is in real time. And if there is a problem, your child can alert with ease by calling you or simply sending a voice message.

  1. Helpful in Family Outings

In the throng of a festival, a market or a park, a few seconds are enough for a child to extricate himself from the field of vision of his parents. If equipped with a GPS watch, you will find him easily thanks to the cellular satellites and augmented reality functions of the GPS watch.

  1. Avoid buying a phone too early for your child

If most parents buy a mobile phone from their children, it is first to create a reassuring invisible link. Yes, but now, more than 60% of parents say they regret this purchase, for the reasons we imagine. With its phone function (limited), the GPS watch offers you the advantages of mobile without the disadvantages.

  1. Keeping in touch with the whole family

We have lots of trustworthy people in our circle. And if you truly trust your loved ones to keep an eye on your children, with GPS you are sure that your entire family can take care of them. Moreover, your circle of confidence can also download the application to trace one or more of your kids when the situation requires it.