Everyone Can Enjoy Allergy-Free Kids SnacksCategoriesParenting Wellness

5 Tasty Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids

Finding the perfect snack that everyone can enjoy isn’t just about coming up with tasty treats. It’s also about finding allergy-free food snacks for kids that are safe for the whole gang. While this might seem like a daunting challenge, we promise it’s easily doable thanks to the allergy-friendly food revolution. 

The good news is that you don’t need to invest a ton of time or effort into making allergy-free snacks for your kids. Many nut-free brands also recognize that it’s not just about peanuts or tree nuts – there are six other major allergens that should also be considered.

Here are eight tasty allergy-free snacks for kids that everyone can safely enjoy.

What Are Allergy-Free Treats?

Allergy-free treats can be guaranteed to be free of the top eight most common allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, soy, egg, wheat, milk, shellfish, and fish. Pre-made food products and school snacks that you buy at the store are made in dedicated facilities that don’t process foods that contain allergens.

An easy way to spot allergy-safe treats is to look for the seals or certifications that indicate they’re allergy-friendly kids’ snacks. You might spot a gluten-free, nut-free treat with a symbol on the outside of the package. But if you really want to make sure it’s 100% safe for everyone, here are a few store-bought healthy snacks that are safe for everyone.

Five Allergy-Safe Snacks That Pass the Kid Taste Test

1. Allergy-Friendly Granola Bars

Freedom Foods is known for creating tasty solutions for kids with food allergies. Their apple and cinnamon, school-safe Crunchola Granola Bars will have your kids coming back for seconds. 

2. Applesauce & Cinnamon

Looking for an easy, prepackaged gluten-gree and dairy-free snack? Applesauce is an easy go-to. It doesn’t require refrigeration, and you can get really creative with toppings. 

While cinnamon is a classic, you can also add in allergy-friendly toppings for extra texture. Things like toasted coconut and allergy-safe granola can be perfect additions.

3. SunButter

If you’re looking for peanut butter or almond butter alternative, there’s an easy solution: Sunbutter. Made with sunflower seeds, this is an easy and safe peanut-free snack. The delicious duo tops the list of all-time favorite gluten and dairy-free snacks because it makes it ridiculously easy to throw together a quick snack.

4. Not Nuts Dairy and Soy Free Treats

The entire Enjoy Life Not Nuts line has nailed the tasty, gluten-free snack selection. Like their fan-favorite seed and fruit mix bars. They’re kinda like granola bars – but better because they’re packed with all sorts of crunchy nuts and chewy fruits. The best part is that these allergen-free bars avoid the eight most common allergens. 

5. Boomchickapop Popcorn

There’s no better gluten and dairy-free store-bought snack than popcorn. But you have to be vigilant about which one you choose because not every popcorn brand is committed to making sure that their products are allergen-free. 

That’s why Boomchickapop is one of our favorites. Their standard popcorn contains only three ingredients: corn, sunflower oil, and sea salt. Ditch the potato chips for this healthy, salty snack that every kid can enjoy.

Conclusion: Finding Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids Is Easy Thanks to Healthy Store-Bought Options

Gone are the days where finding healthy, allergy-free snacks for kids was a chore that required making special snacks for the whole group. Today, many brands offer allergy-friendly snacks that are more than just gluten and dairy-free. Get ready to kick your summer staycation up a notch with these tasty treats that everyone can safely enjoy.

Enjoy a stress-free Summer staycation at homeCategoriesPlay

10 Summer Staycation Ideas for Travel-Free Vacations

As we ease out of quarantine restrictions, most of the world is starting to get back to normal. That means summer vacation destinations are bound to be packed. Instead of heading towards the crowd, you can plan a Summer staycation and keep your family vacation stress and travel-free.

Here are 10 brilliant summer staycation ideas for when you want to enjoy some R&R time but don’t want to do the traveling.

Explore Your Home Town

When’s the last time you got out and explored your hometown? No, really explored. Sure, you live there full-time, but there’s plenty more that you haven’t discovered yet. 

Ask local friends and family for recommendations for their favorite spots to visit and you might discover a new favorite. Adventure across town to that park you haven’t been to in a while. Or get off the beaten path and find a local business to visit instead of the big box stores. The local economy will thank you!

Take a Tour

Taking a tour of a local museum or building is one easy way to make the most out of a staycation. You can make learning fun and a regular part of your family staycations. 

Call around to see if any local spots offer coupons or discounted rates. Museums and other local tour spots often run discounts on certain days of the week, which can make this staycation entertainment option budget-friendly.

You can also take virtual tours of many historic places, like the Egyptian pyramids and Machu Picchu. Check out this list of the best places to tour virtually during your Summer staycation.

Camp Out

If you’re looking for a staycation theme idea that gets you out of the house without getting out of town, backyard camping is your solution. Backyard camping can create unforgettable memories for your kids, even though you’re still close to home. You can spend quality time together learning how to set up tents and roast s’mores over a fire. 

You can still enjoy this summer staycation activity even if the weather isn’t cooperating. Set up your tent (or a blanket fort) in your living room and camp the night away.

Make It a Movie Night

Family members of all ages will enjoy a staycation movie night. You don’t need to go to the theater to make it a family movie night. In fact, this can easily become your favorite, free staycation idea by sharing some of your favorite childhood flicks with your kids.

If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can set up a small outdoor projector and make a screen out of a white sheet against a wall. Now all that’s left is to grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

Explore the World (with Food)

Make it a world tour night by cooking a meal with all different types of food. 

Add a dash of Italian in with some pasta. Indulge in Mexican with Tacos. Bring on the heat of Thai food with a traditional Pad Thai. Mix in a little French food with crepes for dessert.

Invite the kids to take part in the cooking and make it a family activity. Together, you can explore new kinds of food and show them just how diverse this world is.

Go Stargazing

Sometimes the best part of a vacation is just indulging in a little change of scenery. But don’t think that daytime is your only option. Make your Summer staycation out of this world with some good, ol’ fashioned star gazing.

If you have a local park nearby, you can head out around dusk to start catching glimpses of the shining stars. Some parks even offer nighttime guided tours to the public to take advantage of the darker skies outside of urban areas.

Have a Picnic

Is there anything that says Summer more than a picnic? Picnics are an easy way to indulge in a little backyard leisure during your staycation. Simply taking your meals outside on the lawn can create long-lasting memories for your children. Just don’t forget those sun-safety basics.

Don’t let the rain ruin your picnic plans. Head to the living room and make a little space to lay down a blanket or a towel. Break out the picnic basket and spend quality picnic time with your kiddos.

Break the Rules

The best staycation ideas are the ones that break all the rules. Get messy and creative. Instead of spending money on hotel rooms, you can stay at home and go crazy with creative activities that make it feel like you’re breaking the rules.

Grab the finger paints, the sidewalk chalk, or even water balloons, and let your kids’ imaginations run wild.

Take a Class

One of the best vacation at home ideas is to take a local class. Look for swimming, hiking, or soccer classes for your kids. You can also usually find a selection of indoor classes, too – like art, pottery, or even dance.

Many local community centers offer day classes for kids and families – for free! Check with your local Department of Recreation to see what they offer in your area.

Break Out of the Board Game Routine

Board games are great for rainy days, but your summer staycation deserves more. Take your games to the next level by supersizing them! 

Play yard Jenga with small pieces of 2’ x 4’. Create a game of lawn bowling with a giant, bouncy play ball and cones. Or you can use colored plates to play checkers or Connect Four

Conclusion: Summer Staycations Are the Vacation We All Need

Summer staycations shouldn’t be boring. They’re made for long bike rides, cooking classes, and a whole lot of yummy ice cream. Avoid the bustle of busy vacation destinations and spend your downtime at home with the family. When you need a little change of scenery, hit up the local hot spots or spend a day virtually touring famous, historic locations.

Whatever activities you choose, you’re sure to find your Summer staycation less crowded and more stress-free.

A father and son enjoy their Wizard Watch as a smartphone alternativeCategoriesParenting Tech

Use A Smartphone Alternative for a Safe Summer

If the thought of putting a smartphone in the hands of your kids makes you shudder, you’re not alone. The good news you can get a smartphone alternative for your kids and tweens that walks and talks like a smartphone – but without all the apps or the internet.

For young kids and tweens, increased screen time and exposure to social media can be addictive. It becomes another piece of technology that you have to regulate. You can avoid this situation altogether with a cell phone alternative for your free-range kids that can give you peace of mind when they’re exploring on their own.

Here’s how the Wizard kids’ cell phone watch can give your kids a little bit of freedom but still make sure they’re safe.

A Smartphone Alternative with No Screen Time Required

Wondering whether your tween is ready for a cell phone? A 2020 Pew Research study found that about 78% of parents feel uncomfortable about tweens and cell phone use. So if you’re not ready to have to manage more addictive screen time with a smartphone, a kids cell phone watch can be the ideal alternative.

One main benefit of a GPS tracker watch is that you don’t have to worry about regulating screen time or social media usage. A kids’ phone watch can make calls and texts but doesn’t include all of the distracting and addictive tech that you’ll typically find in a smartphone. You won’t need to worry about setting parental controls because the Wizard Watch

Quick and Accurate Location Tracking

Do you trust the accuracy of the GPS device in your smartphone? Depending on your location, smartphone location data can be highly inaccurate. That’s exactly what you don’t need when you’re trying to locate your child. The Wizard Watch gives you real-time insight in your child’s precise location.

But this smartphone alternative is so much more than just a tracker. It can also help you manage your child remotely. The Wizard Watch app lets you set boundaries and ‘safe zones’ for your child. The app then alerts you when they wander outside of the set area. For kids with special needs, this can be incredibly important. 

In a worst-case scenario, tt can also provide step-by-step instructions to your home location if your child gets lost. Instead of having to go find them and pick them up, the Wizard Watch will safely guide them home with step-by-step instructions.

A Smartphone Alternative to Stay Prepared for Emergency Situations

Some parents decide to give their children a smartphone because they know that cell phones are good for emergencies. However, with tweens and school-age children, navigating complex technology in an emergency situation is the last thing you should worry about.

The beauty of a kids’ tracker watch like the Wizard Watch is that your children can connect with you and emergency services almost instantly. With pre-programmed numbers, they can dial you or 911 with one simple push of a button. There’s no fumbling around with a touch screen or struggling to make phone calls. 

Conclusion: Enjoy a Safe, Stress-Free Summer with the Wizard Kids’ Smartwatch

Yes, a smartwatch can replace a smartphone when it comes to keeping your kids safe. The Wizard Watch gives you the ability to connect with your kids, no matter where they are. With Summer on its way, you can relax, knowing that you can easily keep an eye on their whereabouts with a kids’ GPS watch. So put on a little sunscreen and let them get out there any enjoy that beautiful, sunny weather.



Chores for Kids – And How to Make Kids Do Chores

Deciding on age-appropriate chores for your kids can be tricky. Making sure those chores get done can be even more challenging. While it might seem easier to avoid the struggle to get kids motivated to do their chores, there are many benefits to assigning daily chores to kids.

Learn about how your kids can benefit from chores, some age-appropriate chore ideas, and how to keep them motivated and engaged.

The Benefits of Kids Doing Chores

If it feels like you’re pulling teeth to get your kids to complete their weekly chores, you’re not alone. And while it might be an easier short-term strategy to do the chores yourself, there are many benefits to holding your kids accountable for fulfilling their daily household responsibility.

Assigning individual chores to each family member can actually make them feel more like a part of the family team. When you decide to shoulder the burden of all household chores, you miss out on one of the best bonding experiences. Even though they would probably rather indulge in a little screen time, they’ll eventually look forward to spending time with you – even if you are only doing chores.

Believe it or not, the simple practice of implementing a list of chores can help set them up to be successful adults. Creating a chore system for your kids also helps teach them responsibility and accountability.

While you know (very well) that life requires you to do tasks that you don’t always enjoy, young kids don’t understand this concept well. At a young age, humans are very self-centered. It’s up to us as parents to teach them to be concerned for collective needs – not just their own.

Extra chores for kids can also instill a sense of confidence, independence, self-control, and self-sufficiency. When they learn chore skills, they continually learn to rely upon themselves to complete simple household tasks.

Chore Ideas for Every Age

If you’re working on making a chore chart for your kids, here are a few age-appropriate chore ideas for kids that you can use to help assign responsibilities.

  • Toddlers (2 – 4 years old): Put away toys, get dressed on their own, sort dishes (like cups or silverware)
  • School-age kids (5 – 8 years old): make beds, help feed pets, put laundry away
  • Middle school (9 – 11): load/unload the dishwasher, make lunch, clean bathrooms/bedrooms, mow the lawn

The Secret to Making Sure Chores Get Done

Here’s the secret to making sure those chores get done that most people won’t tell you: it’s up to you to model the good behavior you expect from your children. 

If you’re reluctant to do dishes or complain about cleaning the bathroom, your kids will see this. And probably model that behavior. Even if you don’t feel like taking out the trash, do it willingly so that they will model good, responsible behavior.

Making a weekly chore chart can help bring visibility and clarity to chores. Plus, checking off a chore for the day can feel like a reward for your child. You can use a dry erase marker and board to stay flexible. 

Or you can use a printable chore chart for kids and let them mark their daily chores as completed with fun little stickers. There’s a wide range of free printable chore charts on the internet, so you don’t need to worry about investing a whole lot of time into this simple task.

Remember: Be consistent. Hold them accountable if they don’t do their chores. Assign responsibilities and reward them with praise or privileges when they complete their chores successfully and on time. 

Some parents allow their children to earn money when they complete chores. Other parents create a non-monetary reward system that uses privileges (like screen time) to incentivize the process. Sometimes a simple “thank you” or praise for good behavior can be enough motivation to get your kids to do the right thing.

Over time, it will become easier, and you will have to ask less often. Remember that there will be times that they honestly forget. Learning responsibility doesn’t happen overnight, so it may take months (or even years) for a solid pattern of habits to stick permanently.

Conclusion: Your Kids Benefit from Making Chores Fun

Chores don’t need to feel like hard work. Making chores fun can help motivate your kids to make contributions to the family household willingly. The secret is to pick age-appropriate chore assignments, track progress, and model good behavior. When chores are completed successfully, reward your kids with praise, privilege, or even a monetary allowance. 

Be patient and remember that these routines will become easier and like second nature for your kids. Plus, they’ll learn life-long lessons that will help them become more independent, successful adults in the future.

Two kids delight in handfuls of candyCategoriesWellness

The Not-So-Sweet Effects of Sugar on Children

Kids can be as sweet as candy, but how much sugar is too much sugar? Sweets, candy, and sodas are all an integral part of childhood. Summers wouldn’t be complete without ice cream and Halloweens would be empty without your favorite candy treat. But too much sugar can have serious health consequences for your child. From brain function to high blood pressure, learn about the effects of sugar on children.

Provide Complete Nutrition for Healthy Development

Limiting your child’s sugar consumption can help ensure balanced nutrition and healthy development. If you’re thinking, my child eats too much sugar, you should compare their daily intake with the recommended limit. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 grams of sugar daily for children.

The daily recommended amount of sugar was established as a guideline to help prevent side effects and long-term health implications. 

If your child is filling up on processed, sugary foods, then they might not have as much room for healthy, whole foods that deliver the complete nutrition that their growing bodies need. A diet high in sugar can increase their risk of obesity and high blood pressure thanks to constant spikes in blood sugar levels.

Let’s talk about the negative impact of sugar on the brain. The link between sugar and child brain development has been highlighted by several studies. Results of a 2018 study suggested that increased sugar consumption during pregnancy and throughout childhood lead to decreased cognitive function and overall lower intelligence scores.

Yes, a child’s sugar addiction can be a real thing. If you find that your child is constantly craving sugar, that might be a sign that it’s time to dial back on those sugary, sweet, processed foods. If you can’t kick those sugar cravings, try swapping out for naturally sweetened foods – like berries and other sweet fruits.

Protect Your Child’s Dental Health

Limiting sugar for your child can help protect their dental health. While regular brushing, flossing, and dentist visits can help dodge those nasty cavities, a diet high in added sugars can wreak havoc on dental health.

Limit their intake of sugary fruit juices, sodas, and candy – especially right before bedtime or nap time. If you do decide to indulge in sugary treats, make sure to reinforce good tooth brushing habits to help avoid dental decay due to sweet foods.

Look for Sneaky Sugars

An easy way to make sure you’re cutting down on sugar intake is to read the nutrition labels. Many “healthy” foods aren’t so healthy. Things like yogurt, milk, and cereals can be packed with hidden added sugars that often go undetected.

Go for healthier alternatives like plain yogurt. Kick it up a notch by topping with fresh fruit, granola, and honey. Check each food to see how many grams of added sugars there are. 

Natural sugars are better because they’re usually offset by natural fibers. For example, although berries and fruit are high in natural sugars, the fiber content helps burn off the sugary energy during the digestion process. Moderate added sugars like high fructose corn syrup.

Find a Balance

Let’s be realistic. A restrictive diet (i.e., one without any sugary foods) isn’t necessarily viable. Let the kids be kids and enjoy that sweet treat or sugary drink every once in a while. Life is about finding that balance between healthy foods and the occasional indulgence.

Pay attention to what your child eats, but let them have a little bit of freedom. Completely forbidding sugar is a fast track to rebellion – which can backfire and cause more harm than good in the end.

Conclusion: Protect Your Child’s Health With a Balanced Diet

Sugar can do crazy things to a child’s developing brain and body. The effects of sugar on children range from long-term health implications to dental cavities. A healthy, balanced diet includes whole, unprocessed foods and the occasional sweet treat. There’s no need to completely eliminate all sugary foods. You can easily support their cognitive development and keep those bones and teeth healthy by moderating their sugar intake.


Note: You should always discuss dietary changes with your trusted pediatrician. This article was written to help you understand the potential health effects of a sugar-filled diet.