A child enjoys a learning app for kids on a tabletCategoriesParenting Play Tech

Explore the Best Learning Apps for Kids

We’ve all been there; you need to get some things done, but you don’t want to plop the kids down in front of the TV or hand them an iPad game again. Well, there’s a solution for those tricky days full of time at home: learning apps for kids.

These award-winning educational games can put a fresh spin on screen time. You can feel good about indulging your kids with more screen time when they’re not zoned out on mindless games. You can find a wide variety of apps that fit your child’s interest, so it’s simply a matter of finding a good fit for your kid.

Turn screen time into school time with the best learning apps for kids.

Khan Academy Kids

Khan Academy for Kids is kind of like Trivia Crack – except more educational. It’s free (yes, even without ads!) and helps kids learn by keeping them engaged with fun activities. The app offers printables, interactive stories and lessons, and even a weekly planner if you want to use it as part of your homeschooling or summer school curriculum. This is one of the best e-learning apps for kids that’s sure to have them learning something new every day.

Moose Math

If math’s not your child’s strong suit, Moose Math can help give them a little boost. This app helps younger and school-age children learn the basics of addition, subtraction, and geometry. As they progress through the app, they earn rewards for successfully completing each level. Those rewards add up and kids can use them to customize their hometowns. Plus, there’s a built-in report card that can help parents and teachers keep an eye on progress.

Little 10 Robot

The Little 10 Robot app suite is an award-winning set of app-based games for kids that teaches everything from shapes and geometry to reading and writing. The fan-favorite Goodness shapes app is one of the best learning apps for six-year-olds that teaches them about basic shapes, colors, and patterns. 

Number Run

If your kid loves Temple Run, then they’ll love Number Run. Number Run is the educational alternative to its cousin Temple Run and puts a fun twist on learning math. This is one of the best learning apps for middle schoolers because it goes beyond just basic addition and subtraction. It includes “lessons” on multiplication, division, and even double-digit addition. There are 50 levels, which means this one will keep them busy (and learning) throughout the summer.

PBS Kids Play and Learn Science

A tried and true classic, PBS Kids Play and Learn is one of the best iPad science apps out there. Need to keep those middle schoolers busy this summer? This is the perfect learning app for middle school students. Kids can do all of those fun, science-y experiments at home, but without all the mess – or the crowded science museum. It’s completely free and has virtually endless amounts of edutainment. Let your kids explore the solar system and make it a summer they’ll never forget.

Conclusion: Make Learning Fun with the Best Apps for Learning Something New Everyday

Summer staycations shouldn’t feel routine or boring. And they don’t need to be filled with a bunch of zoned-out screen time. Explore some of the best learning apps for kids to keep them entertained and educated throughout the year.


A mother sleeps next to her child's crib while sleep trainingCategoriesParenting Wellness

Learn the ABC’s of Sleep Training

Every parent knows the struggle of getting your kid to fall asleep – and stay asleep. Even though you rocked them to sleep and read them a story, they always seem to wake back up after 30 minutes after you put them to bed. It could be time for sleep training.

Whether you’re dealing with a phase of sleep regression or just getting started, there are things you can do to help bedtime go smoother and with fewer interruptions. 

Learn the basics of sleep training and use these night training tips to get back to catching your own zzz’s.

What Is Sleep Training?

Sleep training is training your child to fall asleep without help from you. As much as you might like cuddling with your kids all night in your bed, at some point they should learn how to fall asleep and stay asleep in their own bed.

You know you’ve successfully sleep-trained an independent baby when you can put them down for bed and they drift off without needing to be rocked, cuddled, nursed, or shushed.

For new parents, sleep training can feel like an insurmountable challenge. At the peak of sleepless nights, it’s easy to cave in and relax on sleep training. Anything to catch a little shut shut-eye, right?

Though it might be a bit tricky at first, sleep training isn’t just important for you – it’s important for your child’s health. 

How Soon Can You Start Sleep Training a Baby?

Most experts recommend that the sleep training process begins between four and six months of age. At this point, a child is developmentally ready to go at least six to eight hours between feedings. 

Keep in mind that the longer you wait, the greater the chance that they’ll develop a sleep association with your presence at bedtime. But sometimes life gets in the way, and you might need to work on sleep techniques for one-year-olds.

Tips & Tricks to Master the ABC’s of Sleep Training

Ready to sleep through the night? Unfortunately, there’s no magic solution to fix all of your nighttime woes. For long-term success, you might have to try a few of these to find a combination that works best for you.

  • Your best efforts can be thwarted by an irregular schedule. Before you endeavor into sleep training, establish a regular schedule of feeding, daytime naps, and bedtimes. You can start establishing a regular routine around two months.
  • Nighttime sleep quality is partially influenced by daytime activities. Make sure your child is getting enough physical and mental stimulation throughout the day so that they’re ready for sleep by the time bedtime rolls around.
  • Try not to create a routine that associates you or feeding with falling asleep. You’ll end up having to work harder to break that association while sleep training.

If you’re curious to learn more, you can find a whole range of sleep training books here. 

Trial Different Training Styles

The same style won’t work for every situation. Ultimately, as the parent, you know what’s best for your child. Just keep in mind that you should ideally give each trial at least a week (if not more) to start to see any progress. Sleep training doesn’t happen overnight, so give yourself grace and be patient with the process.

Here are a few different methods you can try with step-by-step instructions.

Pick Up & Put Down Method

The key to the pick up and put down method is to only soothe your child to get them to calm down. If they wake up, this method advocates standing over the crib, patting their back, or holding them until they are calm. Pick them up, calm them, then return them to the bed.

The key is to avoid holding them until they fall asleep. As a parent, you are the comforter and soother. Letting them fall asleep on their own is critical to successfully sleep training them.

Cry It Out (CIO) Method

This technique can really pull on your heartstrings. Also known as the “extinction” method, this sleep training method works by letting your little one cry until it’s time for a feeding or for them to get up in the morning. In many cases, this technique will have your kid sleeping through the night by themselves within three to four nights.

The key here is consistency. Babies can cry themselves to sleep and it’s something nearly every parent experiences at one point in their life. Listening to babies cry at night isn’t anyone’s ideal definition of parenthood. But we promise that it’s tougher for you than your kids. 

Bedtime Routine Fading Method

The bedtime routine fading method can take a bit more time than the CIO method. Instead of modifying your bedtime routine, this method works by gradually reducing the amount of time you spend going through the typical bedtime routine.

For example, if you normally spend 30 – 45 minutes rocking your child, slowly decrease that amount by five minutes each day. This eases the transition to sleep independence so that you might not have to work through crying and fussing at the beginning of bedtime.

Chair Method

The chair method is a much more gentle and gradual approach to sleep training. You start by placing your child in their bed or crib and sit in a chair next to them as they fall asleep. Once they’re asleep, you leave the room. If they wake up in the middle of the night, go in and sit back down in the chair, but don’t remove them from their bed.

Over the course of a few weeks, start to move the chair further and further away from the bed. Then, when they’re easily falling asleep on their own, remove the chair from the room and enjoy those beautiful, uninterrupted hours of sleep. 

Ferber Method

This technique is also known as the check and console method. It’s an in-between style that combines the distance of the CIO method, but with the soothing of the pick up and put down method.

You want to avoid feeding them or rocking them to sleep. Instead, come in and check on them at regular intervals. You might need to start with shorter, 5-minute intervals with younger babies so that they don’t feel abandoned. 

For seven-month babies and older, aim for 10 to 15-minute intervals. If they wake up, you should restart the checking and consoling until they fall asleep on their own again.

Conclusion: Sleep Training Doesn’t Need to Be a Nightmare

Sleep training can take a toll on parents and children. Long, sleepless nights filled with crying and soothing can make you feel like you’re failing. 

But perseverance is key to mastering sleep training with your little one. Establish a regular routine, trial different methods, and be persistent. Your hard work will pay off and you and your baby will thrive thanks to sleep training.


Everyone Can Enjoy Allergy-Free Kids SnacksCategoriesParenting Wellness

5 Tasty Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids

Finding the perfect snack that everyone can enjoy isn’t just about coming up with tasty treats. It’s also about finding allergy-free food snacks for kids that are safe for the whole gang. While this might seem like a daunting challenge, we promise it’s easily doable thanks to the allergy-friendly food revolution. 

The good news is that you don’t need to invest a ton of time or effort into making allergy-free snacks for your kids. Many nut-free brands also recognize that it’s not just about peanuts or tree nuts – there are six other major allergens that should also be considered.

Here are eight tasty allergy-free snacks for kids that everyone can safely enjoy.

What Are Allergy-Free Treats?

Allergy-free treats can be guaranteed to be free of the top eight most common allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, soy, egg, wheat, milk, shellfish, and fish. Pre-made food products and school snacks that you buy at the store are made in dedicated facilities that don’t process foods that contain allergens.

An easy way to spot allergy-safe treats is to look for the seals or certifications that indicate they’re allergy-friendly kids’ snacks. You might spot a gluten-free, nut-free treat with a symbol on the outside of the package. But if you really want to make sure it’s 100% safe for everyone, here are a few store-bought healthy snacks that are safe for everyone.

Five Allergy-Safe Snacks That Pass the Kid Taste Test

1. Allergy-Friendly Granola Bars

Freedom Foods is known for creating tasty solutions for kids with food allergies. Their apple and cinnamon, school-safe Crunchola Granola Bars will have your kids coming back for seconds. 

2. Applesauce & Cinnamon

Looking for an easy, prepackaged gluten-gree and dairy-free snack? Applesauce is an easy go-to. It doesn’t require refrigeration, and you can get really creative with toppings. 

While cinnamon is a classic, you can also add in allergy-friendly toppings for extra texture. Things like toasted coconut and allergy-safe granola can be perfect additions.

3. SunButter

If you’re looking for peanut butter or almond butter alternative, there’s an easy solution: Sunbutter. Made with sunflower seeds, this is an easy and safe peanut-free snack. The delicious duo tops the list of all-time favorite gluten and dairy-free snacks because it makes it ridiculously easy to throw together a quick snack.

4. Not Nuts Dairy and Soy Free Treats

The entire Enjoy Life Not Nuts line has nailed the tasty, gluten-free snack selection. Like their fan-favorite seed and fruit mix bars. They’re kinda like granola bars – but better because they’re packed with all sorts of crunchy nuts and chewy fruits. The best part is that these allergen-free bars avoid the eight most common allergens. 

5. Boomchickapop Popcorn

There’s no better gluten and dairy-free store-bought snack than popcorn. But you have to be vigilant about which one you choose because not every popcorn brand is committed to making sure that their products are allergen-free. 

That’s why Boomchickapop is one of our favorites. Their standard popcorn contains only three ingredients: corn, sunflower oil, and sea salt. Ditch the potato chips for this healthy, salty snack that every kid can enjoy.

Conclusion: Finding Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids Is Easy Thanks to Healthy Store-Bought Options

Gone are the days where finding healthy, allergy-free snacks for kids was a chore that required making special snacks for the whole group. Today, many brands offer allergy-friendly snacks that are more than just gluten and dairy-free. Get ready to kick your summer staycation up a notch with these tasty treats that everyone can safely enjoy.

A father and son enjoy their Wizard Watch as a smartphone alternativeCategoriesParenting Tech

Use A Smartphone Alternative for a Safe Summer

If the thought of putting a smartphone in the hands of your kids makes you shudder, you’re not alone. The good news you can get a smartphone alternative for your kids and tweens that walks and talks like a smartphone – but without all the apps or the internet.

For young kids and tweens, increased screen time and exposure to social media can be addictive. It becomes another piece of technology that you have to regulate. You can avoid this situation altogether with a cell phone alternative for your free-range kids that can give you peace of mind when they’re exploring on their own.

Here’s how the Wizard kids’ cell phone watch can give your kids a little bit of freedom but still make sure they’re safe.

A Smartphone Alternative with No Screen Time Required

Wondering whether your tween is ready for a cell phone? A 2020 Pew Research study found that about 78% of parents feel uncomfortable about tweens and cell phone use. So if you’re not ready to have to manage more addictive screen time with a smartphone, a kids cell phone watch can be the ideal alternative.

One main benefit of a GPS tracker watch is that you don’t have to worry about regulating screen time or social media usage. A kids’ phone watch can make calls and texts but doesn’t include all of the distracting and addictive tech that you’ll typically find in a smartphone. You won’t need to worry about setting parental controls because the Wizard Watch

Quick and Accurate Location Tracking

Do you trust the accuracy of the GPS device in your smartphone? Depending on your location, smartphone location data can be highly inaccurate. That’s exactly what you don’t need when you’re trying to locate your child. The Wizard Watch gives you real-time insight in your child’s precise location.

But this smartphone alternative is so much more than just a tracker. It can also help you manage your child remotely. The Wizard Watch app lets you set boundaries and ‘safe zones’ for your child. The app then alerts you when they wander outside of the set area. For kids with special needs, this can be incredibly important. 

In a worst-case scenario, tt can also provide step-by-step instructions to your home location if your child gets lost. Instead of having to go find them and pick them up, the Wizard Watch will safely guide them home with step-by-step instructions.

A Smartphone Alternative to Stay Prepared for Emergency Situations

Some parents decide to give their children a smartphone because they know that cell phones are good for emergencies. However, with tweens and school-age children, navigating complex technology in an emergency situation is the last thing you should worry about.

The beauty of a kids’ tracker watch like the Wizard Watch is that your children can connect with you and emergency services almost instantly. With pre-programmed numbers, they can dial you or 911 with one simple push of a button. There’s no fumbling around with a touch screen or struggling to make phone calls. 

Conclusion: Enjoy a Safe, Stress-Free Summer with the Wizard Kids’ Smartwatch

Yes, a smartwatch can replace a smartphone when it comes to keeping your kids safe. The Wizard Watch gives you the ability to connect with your kids, no matter where they are. With Summer on its way, you can relax, knowing that you can easily keep an eye on their whereabouts with a kids’ GPS watch. So put on a little sunscreen and let them get out there any enjoy that beautiful, sunny weather.



Chores for Kids – And How to Make Kids Do Chores

Deciding on age-appropriate chores for your kids can be tricky. Making sure those chores get done can be even more challenging. While it might seem easier to avoid the struggle to get kids motivated to do their chores, there are many benefits to assigning daily chores to kids.

Learn about how your kids can benefit from chores, some age-appropriate chore ideas, and how to keep them motivated and engaged.

The Benefits of Kids Doing Chores

If it feels like you’re pulling teeth to get your kids to complete their weekly chores, you’re not alone. And while it might be an easier short-term strategy to do the chores yourself, there are many benefits to holding your kids accountable for fulfilling their daily household responsibility.

Assigning individual chores to each family member can actually make them feel more like a part of the family team. When you decide to shoulder the burden of all household chores, you miss out on one of the best bonding experiences. Even though they would probably rather indulge in a little screen time, they’ll eventually look forward to spending time with you – even if you are only doing chores.

Believe it or not, the simple practice of implementing a list of chores can help set them up to be successful adults. Creating a chore system for your kids also helps teach them responsibility and accountability.

While you know (very well) that life requires you to do tasks that you don’t always enjoy, young kids don’t understand this concept well. At a young age, humans are very self-centered. It’s up to us as parents to teach them to be concerned for collective needs – not just their own.

Extra chores for kids can also instill a sense of confidence, independence, self-control, and self-sufficiency. When they learn chore skills, they continually learn to rely upon themselves to complete simple household tasks.

Chore Ideas for Every Age

If you’re working on making a chore chart for your kids, here are a few age-appropriate chore ideas for kids that you can use to help assign responsibilities.

  • Toddlers (2 – 4 years old): Put away toys, get dressed on their own, sort dishes (like cups or silverware)
  • School-age kids (5 – 8 years old): make beds, help feed pets, put laundry away
  • Middle school (9 – 11): load/unload the dishwasher, make lunch, clean bathrooms/bedrooms, mow the lawn

The Secret to Making Sure Chores Get Done

Here’s the secret to making sure those chores get done that most people won’t tell you: it’s up to you to model the good behavior you expect from your children. 

If you’re reluctant to do dishes or complain about cleaning the bathroom, your kids will see this. And probably model that behavior. Even if you don’t feel like taking out the trash, do it willingly so that they will model good, responsible behavior.

Making a weekly chore chart can help bring visibility and clarity to chores. Plus, checking off a chore for the day can feel like a reward for your child. You can use a dry erase marker and board to stay flexible. 

Or you can use a printable chore chart for kids and let them mark their daily chores as completed with fun little stickers. There’s a wide range of free printable chore charts on the internet, so you don’t need to worry about investing a whole lot of time into this simple task.

Remember: Be consistent. Hold them accountable if they don’t do their chores. Assign responsibilities and reward them with praise or privileges when they complete their chores successfully and on time. 

Some parents allow their children to earn money when they complete chores. Other parents create a non-monetary reward system that uses privileges (like screen time) to incentivize the process. Sometimes a simple “thank you” or praise for good behavior can be enough motivation to get your kids to do the right thing.

Over time, it will become easier, and you will have to ask less often. Remember that there will be times that they honestly forget. Learning responsibility doesn’t happen overnight, so it may take months (or even years) for a solid pattern of habits to stick permanently.

Conclusion: Your Kids Benefit from Making Chores Fun

Chores don’t need to feel like hard work. Making chores fun can help motivate your kids to make contributions to the family household willingly. The secret is to pick age-appropriate chore assignments, track progress, and model good behavior. When chores are completed successfully, reward your kids with praise, privilege, or even a monetary allowance. 

Be patient and remember that these routines will become easier and like second nature for your kids. Plus, they’ll learn life-long lessons that will help them become more independent, successful adults in the future.

A family playing twister on a rainy dayCategoriesParenting Play

Stay Active with Fun Rainy Day Indoor Games for Kids

We’re always thrilled when Springtime rolls around, and the world thaws out from the cold, Winter freeze. But with those warmer temperatures come the Spring rains. And when you can’t send the kids out to play, everyone starts to go a little stir crazy on those days you’re stuck indoors. Next time the Spring rains roll around, try some of these indoor games for kids.

Tape Maze on the Floor

This simple game for children can help keep those little minds and bodies active on even the rainiest of days. All you need is a little painter’s tape and imagination. Weave your way around a room (or even your whole house) and place rewards or prizes at the end of the tape maze for your children to collect.

Make every game exciting by incorporating elements of hide and seek into the maze. Hide clues throughout your house that lead to the solving of a treasure mystery

Balloon Waddle Game

This fun game to play inside will have everyone in tears – from laughter. You just need a few balloons and a little dexterity. Because you don’t need much room, this also makes a great indoor group game for kids.

While your kids are playing for fun, they’ll also be working to improve their balance as they waddle around trying to hold the balloon between their legs. Set up mini-courses. If they drop the balloon, they have to reset and go back to start. 

Rainy Day Board Games

Board games are some of the best time-burning games to help pass away the rainy days. Instead of screen time, pull out a board game the whole family can enjoy.  If you’re both working from home, it’s even more fun if both parents can get involved.

You’ll create memories that last a lifetime. And who knows! Your kids might actually start to look forward to rainy days thanks to all the fun games to play at home.

Keep It Up Game

The keep it up game is similar to the balloon waddle game – except this time, you’re using the top half of your body to keep a balloon in the air. The best part of this game is that older children don’t necessarily need tons of adult supervision to play.

Kick the challenge up a notch by introducing multiple balloons at once. If you’re looking for an all-out activity that combines fitness, fun, and energy, this is it. 

Simon Says Yoga Game

This version of Simon Says is great because it’s a fun game without props. And if the kids have been getting rowdy, it’s also the perfect quiet indoor game for kids.

Instead of your typical Simon Says actions, you’ll guide your littles through easy yoga poses for kids. This activity can help calm the mind and spirit – which can also help keep you sane when everyone’s cooped up inside on rainy days.

DIY Indoor Hopscotch

Hopscotch is an all-time favorite, simple game for children. This straightforward, engaging activity is the perfect stay-at-home activity for toddlers because of its simplicity and interactivity.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the traditional hopscotch box. You can make all different types of outlines and mix it up with shapes.

Instead of hopping by number, try setting up different shapes and instructing your kids to jump to different shapes. It can be the perfect mix of interactive learning and fun activities for your kids on rainy days.

Conclusion: Enjoying Time Indoors is Easy with Stay-at-Home Games

Sure, you might not need your kid’s tracker watch on rainy days, but staying indoors has its perks. You can still find creative inside games for your littles to help burn off energy and create long-lasting memories. Hopefully, these fun indoor games for kids can help you pass the time on the rainiest of days.

Inside days are perfect for prepping for those outside days, too. Help keep your kids safe next time you head to the park or the zoo with a smartwatch with GPS tracking. Shop the collection now.


Girl talking with mom using her smartwatchCategoriesParenting Tech

Make Vacation Stress-Free with the Best GPS Watch for Kids


You know that feeling when you’re in a crowded place, and you look down and realize that your child has wandered off? No one should feel like that. While you might think a cell phone is a solution, it doesn’t offer the same peace of mind as a GPS tracking watch for kids.

From theme parks to state parks, learn how a top-rated GPS watch for kids can help make summer vacations that much sweeter.

The Debate: GPS Watch vs. Cell Phone

If you think cell phones provide the same level of security and reliability as a kids’ trackable watch, you haven’t met the modern kids’ safety watch. Designed with usability in mind, here’s how a waterproof GPS tracker watch outperforms a cell phone.


Smartphones aren’t designed to be handled by toddlers and preschool-age children. You might even be among the parents that consider middle school too young for cell phones. 

Kids tracker watches are durable and waterproof – two qualities that most cell phones lack. 

Plus, you won’t have to worry about the phone falling out of a pocket with a waterproof GPS device. The durable wrist band is comfortable and stays put all day long, no matter where your vacation excursions take you.

Battery Life

When you’re on the go (all day long) each and every day of your week-long vacation, battery life can become an issue. This is especially true if you’re relying on a cell phone to monitor your child’s location. 

Can your phone last for 96 hours without being plugged in? Probably not. But the Wizard Watch can. Even if you forget to charge it overnight, you can still get a days-long life without having to recharge multiple times throughout the day. For busy summer vacations, this mobility is essential.


With no contracts and no data mining, the Wizard Watch can provide you with real-time data on your child’s location – without the data mining that is often associated with smartphone apps.

Built for iOS and Android, the Wizard Watch app comes with parental controls so you can designate “safe” zones. When your child wanders outside of these geofenced zones, you get a notification.


Ever noticed how your phone’s GPS always seems to be off? When it comes to your child’s safety, you don’t want to be wondering whether or not the location data of a phone is accurate.

With the Wizard Watch kids’ GPS watch app, you can get real-time data that’s realistic and precise. A kids smartwatch with GPS delivers location precisely when you need it most.

Safety Features

While some modern phones come with more integrated safety features, they’re not always user-friendly. If your child needs to contact you in an emergency, the last thing they need is a clunky SOS interface.

The Wizard Watch features a built-in SOS button that is easy to activate when it’s needed. It comes with a pre-activated SIM card, so they can also send text and voice messages when they need to contact you.

Conclusion: Give Them Freedom, Without Sacrificing Safety

Summer vacations don’t need to be stressful. You can let your kids explore at their own pace, without having to compromise safety. And you can easily keep an eye on your kid with a watch and GPS locator.

Get yours before you go on your next vacation so you can worry less and play more.

A parent works in the background as a child plays during work from home quarantineCategoriesBlog Parenting Wellness

10 Tips to Survive Working from Home With Kids… Without Going Insane

Between Zoom meetings and homeschooling, trust us when we say that working from home with kids has been pushing every parent over the edge. If you feel like you’re going off the rails trying to juggle a full-time job and homeschooling, you’re not alone.

When your daily routine doesn’t feel so routine anymore, try these ten tips for working from home while homeschooling.

1. Schedule the Day – or Don’t

For some households, creating a schedule can help add some order to an otherwise wildly unpredictable day. One of the best time management tips for work-at-home moms is to schedule out time blocks – for both you AND the kids.

But forcing a routine on the chaos of homeschooling while working can be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. There will be a lot of pushing, shoving, friction – and probably a few savory words. Don’t fret if you just can’t make a semi-rigid schedule work. Remember that trying to force a schedule can create added stress.

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, even if that flow changes every day. Even if your morning routine gets thrown off because the Cheerios are out of stock, don’t let it throw off your entire day.

2. Manage Your Expectations

If you don’t set realistic expectations, you’re setting yourself up for a one-way trip on the struggle bus.

When you’re creating a work-from-home schedule, plan on (constant) interruptions – even if you can close the door to your office and try to drown out the kids bickering in the living room.

There will be some days where you won’t be able to stick to those bedtime routines. Instead of letting it stress you out, let it go and accept that one day will not throw the universe out of alignment.

3. Set Priorities

Look – you’re not going to get everything done every day. One way to set your stay-at-home schedule up for success is by assigning daily task priorities.

Try breaking your daily tasks into three different categories: urgent, important, or non-important. 

If you’ve got a presentation to complete before a conference call or your kid has a school project due tomorrow, place them into the urgent (or must do) category. Domestic chores (like dishes or laundry) might alternate between important and non-important, depending on the day.

Categorizing your tasks can help you visualize what is essential versus what can wait. This simple approach can give your days the flexibility they need to manage your work at home job and homeschooling.

4. Establish Boundaries

The quarantine/work-from-home situation has blurred the lines between the work/life boundaries. If you’re feeling stressed and burnt out, try redefining the boundaries between work time and home time

Learning how to manage your time as a working mom or dad means understanding how to establish clear boundaries. When you sign off for the day, shut the door or tuck away the laptop to help you focus on your favorite part of the day: one-on-one time with your kids.

This tip goes for the kids, too. When school time’s over, let it go for the day. 

5. Make Time for Play

A day in the life of working from home should include a healthy amount of playtime. In today’s stressful quarantine environment, that might mean even more playtime than usual. 

Studies show that COVID impacts childrens’ mental health just as much (if not more) than adults. Limited social contact, isolation, and ongoing uncertainty can leave your child feeling anxious.

Try including more playtime into your daily schedule to help offset that anxiety. Give yourself permission to join in, but make sure you communicate with your peers and boss when you’ll be off the clock for playtime.

6. Ask for Help When You Need It

Lean on your support system and ask for help when you need it. Juggling kids and working from home can burn you out – quickly.

We all have moments when we know that we should ask for help but don’t. Probably because of pride. Or because we think we need to be superheroes and do it all without complaining or failing.

But if you’re thinking (yet again) that “I can’t cope with my kids,” you’re not the only one. We’re all just trying to avoid turning into perpetual Oscar the grouches while homeschooling and working full time.

7. Create Dedicated Spaces

The value of a dedicated home office can’t be understated. Having a space in your home to focus solely on work can give you the psychological definition between work and home life. 

When we’re doing our jobs from home with kids, it’s essential to define a space for everyone. 

To minimize distractions, you can try dedicating separate rooms for each person to work in. If that’s not feasible, use tape or other visual indicators to delineate “work zones” to give everyone permission to relax when they’re not in their zone.

8. Take a Break – or a Day Off

When you’re at your rope’s end, thanks to yet another squabble over who gets the iPad, it might be time to take a break – or a day off.

When a country full of working parents transitioned to remote jobs, there was a cultural shift in how break time and days off were viewed. Now, most employers encourage their employees to take time off when they need a break.

It’s also vital that you schedule in regular, kid-free time. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in a bit of adult time while the kids play outside or enjoy some extra screen time.

9. Dole Out Responsibilities

Let’s say it together: you can’t do it all. Evenly dividing responsibilities amongst all members of your household is an easy way for homeschool families to share the burden of a full-time work-from-home life.

This is the number one home management tip for working moms. Sorry, guys. The data shows that women still do the majority of domestic chores inside the home

Sharing household responsibilities can help spread the load out between everyone. Set up a chore chart and get the kids involved. Make a game out of it and provide rewards when chores get completed in full and on time.

10. Get Out of the House

When in doubt, get out of the house. Go for a walk, go to the park, or just take lunch outside for a backyard picnic. A change of scenery can help hit the reset button and set the rest of your day up for success.

If you’re wondering how to work around school hours, remember that you should keep outside time flexible. Some days will be more of a struggle than others. On those days, give yourselves the permission to get outside of the house and recharge your batteries.

Conclusion: Redefine “Normal” to Stay Sane When Working from Home with Kids

It’s time to accept that today’s version of normal is nothing any of us has ever seen before. As working parents, the WFH life can take a toll on you. Use these ten tips to help you stay sane when working from home with kids.

Two parents hand their child an Easter egg as her face fills with delight.CategoriesBlog Parenting Play

10 Healthy Easter Basket Filler Ideas for Kids

Easter: it’s that time of year where your kids get to enjoy unpacking their bountiful Easter basket, filled with goodies. But maybe this year, you’re looking for some healthy Easter basket ideas for kids. 

Sure, it might sound like a tall order, but we promise it’s not that hard to accomplish. There’s a whole selection of healthy alternatives to chocolate Easter eggs. 

From sidewalk chalk to homemade bunny-shaped fruit snacks, you’re sure to find something on this list of 10 healthy alternatives to Easter candy that’s sure to delight your child.

Healthy Trail Mix-Filled Easter Eggs

We’ve talked about the importance of good nutrition in healthy brain development, so why not use Easter as a fun way to enjoy some healthy snacks

If your kid can’t get enough of cracking open those little plastic Easter eggs, then this tasty trail mix could be your go-to candy alternative for Easter eggs. 

Filled with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and even just a little bit of chocolate and popcorn, you can use this “bunny bait” to help catch that dodgy Easter bunny. You can find the whole recipe here.

Outdoor Toys

Now that the weather is finally starting to feel a little bit more Spring-y take advantage of it by filling your Easter baskets with alternative Easter basket ideas like outdoor toys.

Here are just a few great non-food Easter treats your kid will absolutely love:

  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Kites
  • Jump rope
  • Toddler-sized baseball set
  • Bouncy balls or other sports balls

Bunny-shaped Healthy Easter Treats

Chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies might have been the norm in the past, but healthy Easter basket ideas are here to stay!

You can have fun with homemade healthy gift basket treats, like fruit snacks. Making bunny-shaped healthy snacks for Easter baskets is guaranteed to put your kid in the Easter bunny mood.

All you’ll need is an Easter bunny-shaped cookie cutter and the soft fruit of your choice. Watermelon and apples are perfect because they’ll hold their shape, and you can decorate them with raisins to give them little eyes.

It’s this kind of bunny-shaped food idea that can excite your child to “indulge” in a little healthy eating.

Non-Edible Gift Sets

Even if you can’t get outside, there are plenty of non-edible Easter basket ideas you can use to fill up your littles’ baskets. 

Books, playdough and even glitter glue can keep the Easter fun going all day long on the rainiest of Easters.

You can easily modify the contents depending on your child’s age. For toddlers, playdough and legos can be great alternative Easter basket ideas for kids. 

You can make a few simple modifications to make it age-appropriate for babies. Bibs, pacifiers, and teething toys are great ideas for non-edible Easter egg fillers.

Sugar-free Alternatives to Candy for Easter Baskets

It can be difficult to break with tradition. But finding Easter basket ideas with no sugar can feel pretty impossible.

Here are a few different edible, healthy Easter gift basket options for your toddlers and tweens:

These ideas go to show that you can easily find healthy chocolate alternatives for your Easter baskets.

Gift Box Easter Baskets for Tweens and Teenagers

At some point, it gets a little more tricky to find healthy basket ideas – especially when you’re filling Easter baskets for tweens or teenagers.

Here are a few ideas of healthy Easter basket fillers for the older kids:

  • Stationery and pens
  • Gift cards
  • Lip balm or makeup
  • Packable fitness gear

Give the Gift of a Healthy Easter Basket

As we become more health-conscious, it has become more important to find healthy Easter basket ideas for toddlers, babies, and older kids. 

We all adore the traditional candy Easter basket ideas, but why not mix it up a little this year with a fruit basket or other non-food gifts? You can even try one of the many homemade Easter recipes to delight your kids with bunny-shaped treats.

Whatever healthy Easter egg alternative you settle on, your kids will love opening their baskets on Easter morning.