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Benefits of Eating Breakfast Before School

The benefits of eating breakfast before school especially for young people is important for many reasons.

Boost Energy Levels

When you wake up and eat breakfast, it provides the glucose your body needs for energy to get through the day. When you sleep, you’re technically fasting.

Improves Alertness, Concentration, and Metal Performance

Eating breakfast presents an opportunity to choose foods that may boost your memory further. Omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in ground flaxseed, may help improve memory. When the day starts with breakfast, students can focus on the task at hand better and become less distracted by outside influences and other students.

Healthy Breakfast Can Decrease Obesity

Studies have shown that consuming breakfast first thing in the morning greatly decreases hunger and cravings throughout the day. A lot of people skip breakfast to avoid eating extra calories, but by eating a high-fiber, nutrient-dense breakfast early in the morning, you are actually less likely to be hungry throughout the day.

Feel Happier

Going for a breakfast that is high in carbohydrates like oatmeal can drastically improve your mood in the morning. When you sleep for eight hours or more, your body loses nutrients and we can become irritable when we wake up. When you supply your body with the energy it needs, you feel more satisfied and happy throughout the day.

Include 3 Main Sources of Nutrients in your Child’s Breakfast before School

  • Carbohydrates: whole-grain cereals, brown rice, whole-grain breads and muffins, fruits, vegetables
  • Protein: low-fat or nonfat dairy products, lean meats, eggs, nuts (including nut butters), seeds, and cooked dried beans
  • Fiber: whole-grain breads, waffles, and cereals; brown rice, bran, and other grains; fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts

Brain Foods for Children!

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Foods for Children’s Brain Development

Eating the right foods can contribute to your children’s brain development, improve their overall health and physical performance. There are some specific nutrients that help to support a child’s brain development.

The brain absorbs nutrients from the foods we eat, and these powerhouse foods can help children boost their brainpower.

Nuts & seeds

Packed with protein and essential fatty acids, nuts and seeds are also high in vitamin E, B group vitamins, iron and zinc, which have been shown to be important for brain function. Walnuts, in particular, contain omega-3 fatty acids that help to promote good brain health.

Oats & Wholegrains

Oats and oatmeal are excellent sources of energy and brain fuel. Wholegrain foods are rich in carbohydrates and fibre, hence helping to maintain a constant supply of glucose for brain energy and function. Oats are rich in vitamin E, zinc, and B-complex vitamins.

Fruits (Berries)

They include strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and blackberries. The darker the colour pigment of the berry the more nutritious it is. Berries contain high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C which can help prevent the risk of cancer. Studies show that vitamin C has the potential to protect against mental decline and support brain health.


Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and many phytonutrients (nutrients naturally present in plants) that help your body stay healthy. Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate and vitamins A, E and C. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic provide additional benefits, making them a superfood!

Lean Meats

Iron helps to supply oxygen to the brain, and iron deficiency is sometimes associated with cognitive and attention deficit. Lean meats are such a great source of protein, zinc, iron, and fat.


Egg yolks are an important source of Choline, which is a key component of cell membranes, thus choline accounts for a high percentage of brain mass. It also forms acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that carries messages to and from nerves.


Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA are essential foods for healthy brain growth and function. Getting enough of these fatty acids can help children improve their mental skills.

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Ways to Help Kids Think Positive

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that perceives situations in a constructive way. It does not mean ignoring the negative. Rather, a positive thinker acknowledges a situation and looks at it productively. We all have negative thoughts, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. “When we have negative thoughts it is our choice to dwell on the thought or transmute it to a positive one.”

Ways to Help Kids Think Positive

  • Create a positive environment in your home.
    • Just smiling and laughing can help shift your brain chemistry and make you feel good.
  • Provide your children with plenty of affection.
    • Words, hugs, kisses, high fives and pats on the back.
  • Help your children develop hobbies they are good at.
    • This will increase your child’s confidence.
  • Teach kids to notice negative thoughts.
    • Teaching a child to take a positive approach requires helping them understand what negative thoughts are. Help them understand what they are feeling and reflect as to why they are feeling this way.
  • Speak Positively
    • Saying things out loud amplifies positive thoughts, helping us to believe in ourselves and our abilities. (Affirmations)
  • Give Thanks (Gratitude)
    • Asking a child to think about the things they enjoy and the activities they like encourages appreciation, which naturally creates a positive attitude.
  • Surround them with positive people.
    • Explain to them that they are a product of the people they spend the most time with, and to try to associate with other people who also think positive.
  • Ignore Some Bad Moods
    • Don’t ignore your child when he or she is in a bad mood. Ignore the mood. When you don’t react to your child’s negativity, you take one step forward in extinguishing negative behaviors. An attitude that conveys acceptance of your child, negative temperament and all, will keep your relationship intact and allow you to keep influencing positive development.
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Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Self-esteem plays a major role in the development of healthy children, mentally, physically and spiritually. Children with high self-esteem generally become more successful in life.

Children who have high self-esteem are more emotionally mature, more stable, more realistic and they have a higher frustration tolerance. They also tend to be happier and to do better academically.

Tips to Boost your Child’s Self-esteem.

Show your Child Unconditional Love

Unconditional love isn’t just what we feel. It’s what the object of our love feels: love without strings attached. That means our child doesn’t have to be or do, anything in particular to earn our love. We love her exactly as she is.

Praise effort

“Use a warm, nurturing tone, and make eye contact,” she says, “and when it’s possible, get down to their level, face to face.” This kind of interaction increases a young child’s confidence. Dr. Mona Delahooke, PhD

Be a good role model

Display a positive and reassuring attitude and optimism.

Let kids make their own choices

When kids are given room to make their own decisions, their brains learn how to make hard choices. More importantly, it helps them reduce the stress of feeling helpless or controlled by someone else.

Encourage them to pursue their interests (fully)

Children love to do what their parents do — at least initially. Bring them alongside you as you enjoy your own hobbies and interests. They may pick up yours, or they may take off in a tangential direction. In any case, you’ll be building wonderful memories!

Support trying new things

The enemies of confidence are discouragement and fear. So, as a parent, it’s your job to encourage and support your child as they attempt to tackle difficult tasks.

Use household chores to teach responsibility

Consistent system of chores teaches responsibility and organization that can help them at home and school and later, within their jobs and even relationships. Chores boost children’s self-confidence

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Safety Tips for Back to School

As summer comes to an end and children start heading back to school, the first week can be quite hectic and exhausting for many parents and students. It’s important to remember and share with your children some safety tips for back school.

Transportation Safety:


  • Walk on the sidewalk, if one is available. When on a street with no sidewalk, walk facing the traffic
  • Before you cross the street, stop and look left, right and left again to see if cars are coming
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing and always cross streets at crosswalks or intersections
  • Leave early enough to arrive at school at least 10 minutes prior to the start of school
  • Go straight home after school. Do not go anywhere else without permission
  • Try and walk to school with other students
  • Avoid talking to strangers

Bike Riders:

  • Always wear a helmet
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic, and follow traffic signs and signals
  • Stay in the bike lane whenever possible
  • Never use electronics while riding
  • Come to a complete stop before crossing the street; walk bikes across the street
  • Choose the safest route between home and school and practice it with children until they can demonstrate traffic safety awareness
  • If possible, try to ride with someone else

Bus Riders:

  • Stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away from the curb
  • Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus
  • Avoid excessive horseplay while waiting for the school bus
  • Be sure the bus comes to a complete stop before getting on or off
  • Make sure your child understands they must remain seated and keep their head and arms inside the bus at all times
  • Do not distract the bus driver

Parents Driving Your Child to School:

  • Never pass a bus loading or unloading children
  • Be on the lookout for school zone signals and ALWAYS obey the speed limits
  • Be sure to slow down and obey all traffic laws in the School Zones
  • Never pass other vehicles while driving in a school zone
  • Put down the cell phones, unless handsfree
GPS Watch Tracker for ChildrenCategoriesUncategorized

How GPS Watch can Improve the Safety of Children

Parenting is not an easy job. Parents have to arrange all the things for their kids, from their food to dropping them off at school and picking them up from school etc. All-day revolves around work and your children. Many parents left their jobs and careers for their kids because it’s not easy to provide all the facilities and securities all the time. So, one of the parents often puts their dreams on hold to provide protection and ensure they live a healthy lifestyle. How GPS watch can improve the safety of children?

Now, there is no need to worry and thanks to new technology, we have a wristwatch that is the solution to your main problem. You can send your kids freely to schools and playgrounds without any security or concern issues. Many GPS wristwatches have the following features that make it extra efficient.

Features of many GPS Wristwatches:

1.     Audio and video call:

You can be in touch with your child anytime with audio and video call. The wristwatch has the ability to make a video call with clarity. This feature also enables the parents to see the child’s surroundings to ensure they’re in a safe environment.

2.     Limited contact list:

You can add the few and safe numbers on the wrist contact list. Add only parents and family member’s numbers so in case of an emergency. Parent or guardian is in complete control of the GPS watch contacts list by using the mobile app.

3.     Real-time tracking:

Using the mobile app parents/guardians can request GPS location on demand with one touch. Or, parents can set the GPS to update every 1,5,15,30, or 60 minutes. In this way, you will be satisfied and be sure that your kid is safe, and the watch is also working efficiently.

4.     Camera:

It has a normal camera that supported video calls and other filters. Your kid can take hundreds of pictures that will also display on your attached phones.

5.     Location history:

This feature is one of the best features of this watch. The watch has all the history of today. You can check where your kids have gone throughout the entire day.

6.    SOS Panic button:

If your kid is not comfortable with the environment or feels like there is a threat, he can press the Panic button. Immediately, you will get a phone call and alarm notification. It will also send you the time and location of your child.

7.    Listen-in feature:

It has a listen-in feature as well. You can listen to the conversation of your kid. With this feature, parents can check in on the child without the child receiving any notification or indication that the listen-in feature has been activated or is currently in use. Parents can use the feature to ensure their child is in a safe environment.

8.     Games:

Not all but some of the GPS watch can also allow kids to play games. All these games are safe and educational.  As a parent, you can also control the gaming feature and only allow a few games to be played during specific times of the day, so it isn’t a distraction.

9.     Calendar:

You can add your own calendar for example; parents can set the child’s complete daily schedule for the entire week, month and even year. The scheduler normally includes daily routines such as time to brush your teeth, do homework, and bedtime. The feature sends an alert reminder to the GPS wristwatch so the child will be notified once its time to do the activity.

So, these are the main features that make this wristwatch worth purchasing. Now describe the reasons of how a GPS watch can enhance the security of children in public places.

Reasons how a GPS watch can enhance the security of children in public places:

1.     It’s a GSM mobile phone:

Most of the wristwatch support GSM networks such as At&t and T-Mobile. So you can stay connected with your kid with audio and video calls. Moreover, you can send voice and text message as well. You can also limit the contact list; for example, add the numbers of family members, police and ambulance, etc.

2.     You can make Virtual Fences (Safe Zones):

It has a strong GPS system, so you can draw a security radius and when your child crosses the virtual fence, you will get alert instantly via mobile app.  

3.     Get real-time GPS location:

The GPS Watch will keep you updated with the current location of your kid. Many devices offer on-demand GPS location with a single push button in the mobile app. Parents also have the option to set GPS intervals as to when the GPS watch will auto-refresh the GPS to preserve battery life. Now, you can relax and enjoy your spare time.

4.     You can record the activities:

The watch has another ability and that is to record the time as well as the activity of your kid. The pedometer works like a physical tracking system that will count the total steps, jumps, and laps the child has taken throughout the day. 

5.     Take pictures:

The wristwatch has an active camera that enables the child to take pictures and add filters as well. Parents can activate the camera on some devices and take a picture to see the child’s surroundings, which can help with locating a lost child.

6.     The panic button will send you alert:

Moreover, if your child finds themselves in an awkward place where he is having negative vibes, or feels uncomfortable or stuck in a bad situation, they can push the SOS panic button. This will immediately alert you and take immediate action.


GPS wristwatch is the best way to provide security to your kid with full freedom. It has many other features like games, trackers, camera, calling and many more. Your kid will be feeling safe and secure after wearing this amazing wristwatch. It comes in many designs and styles. Give a trendy look to your kid as well and give them the confidence to live free.

Lost Child SOS Emergency Calling GPS WatchCategoriesUncategorized

Why Use A GPS Watch at Theme Parks and Playgrounds

GPS watches are coming with the latest technology and a lot of intelligent features to make yours and your child’s life easier. GPS watches are watches with a tracking system that help you in tracking locations and places even without being with your kid.

This comes handy especially when you take your kids to theme parks, playgrounds and open spaces where they want to move freely. Your head remains at ease because you get continuous notifications regarding the locations and activities of your children. Here are some reasons explaining Why to Use a GPS Watch at Theme Parks and Playgrounds:

1.   So Your Kids Don’t Get Lost:

Theme parks and playgrounds are densely populated and there are more chances for your kid to get lost in the rush of peeps. You also cannot hold the hand of your kids as they are much energetic and want to go everywhere quickly. Therefore, to keep them in your reach and understand where they really are, you need smartwatches. All you need is to wrap the watch around the ankle of your child and set them free.

2.   To Know Location of Your Kids:

Playgrounds and theme parks are not only filled with people but they are so large. There are so many rooms, portions, levels, and floors in different theme parks for kids. Now, when you take your kid with you, you need to walk with them everywhere they go. It can feel tired and bored because you simply don’t have energy equivalent to your kid. However, with a GPS watch enfolded around the arm, you can sit anywhere in the park or playground and keep a check on your kid’s location. You get instant shots of your kid’s location at your smart device.

3.   To Give Them Freedom:

Kids love being free and it adds up to their confidence level. If you will keep your kids attached with you or keep holding their hands, it can irritate them. They will feel dull, bored, and burden of your care but you can simply not afford to stop taking care of them. Here comes smartwatch as a relief because it helps you to set your kids free without worrying about their safety because you will know where they are and what they are doing with the camera and GPS feature of the kid.

4.   To Keep Them from Kidnappers:

GPS watches come with customizable features as you can set the timer in which you need shots and information regarding your kids’ location and activity. Now, in case a prudent or kidnapper would try to bewitch you by sliding of the watch from your kid’s ankle, you will get the screenshot of his or her last location and will be able to catch the intruder.

5.    To Call your Children:

You don’t need to buy a cell for your kids in order to call them and ask for what they are doing and if they are safe. This is because GPS watches are not less than cellphones but safer than them as it allows your kids to receive calls but they cannot use it to make calls. You can call your children any time and any minute when they are away from you.

6.   To Set the Radius By Using Its Tracking System:

GPS watches come with extremely intelligent customizable features like setting the radius of the location of your kid. When you are taking your kid to an open place like gardens, playgrounds, and parks, you can set the radius of inside the locations of these places. If your kid will leave the place and get out of the radius, you will get a notification. You can immediately rescue your kid.

7.   To Call For Emergency Help (Panic Button):

As the GPS watch doesn’t allow kids to call or text but it comes with the panic button. Whenever a kid feels disturbed or in a bad situation, he or she will have to press the panic button. You will immediately get an alarm notification. You can go to your kid immediately in this condition and liberate them from the situation. Your kid is completely safe when he is wearing his watch as it works like a parent or an emergency rescuer.

8.   To Know What Your Kid is Doing:

GPS watches have so many features like call, tracking location, setting radius, but it also comes with the camera feature. This camera allows you to take pictures of your kid ant different intervals of time in order to know what he or she is doing. All you have to do is, set a timer for photo capturing and after those intervals of time; the pictures will be taken and sent to you.

9.   Camera feature with filter for kids to capture photos:

The camera of the smartwatch is of good quality and it comes with filter features. You can also download camera editing apps in it so your kid is able to capture his or her photos without using your cell in an independent way. It is a cheap solution than buying expensive smartphones or cameras for your kid’s photography.

10.  Keep A Check On Health Of Your Kid:

All with this, smartwatches having GPS in them also come with health tracking feature. By using this feature, you get instant details regarding the health of your kid. If there is any sort of issue or problem like in heartbeat, blood circulation, or pulse rate, you get instant notifications. You can reach to help your kid. This feature is extremely helpful for the parents having kids with health issues.

Bottom Line:

Well, in the, I would like to say that there is nothing more precious than your kids’ health and safety. The prices of smartwatches are completely affordable. Moreover, when it comes to the safety of your kid, price becomes just a number. You should have this handy machine to carry with your child in order to take care of their safety without disturbing their freedom.

Children riding scooters wearing helmets for safetyCategoriesBlog

Teaching Children to Understand Responsibility

Freedom comes with responsibility. This is a principle that children need to learn as they are growing up and want to be independent. Being responsible is a wide and extensive undertaking for such a young age. As a parent, you can guide your child about responsible behavior through these steps.

Freedom and Responsibility

First, which aspect of freedom and the combined responsibility do you wish to teach your child? The first thought that comes to mind is doing something to the best of his or her ability. And this can be expressed through studying and going to school diligently. You can keep your distance while keeping a close watch on his or her progress in school by paying attention to their grades, as well as attendance in class.

You can now watch over your child’s ability to take responsibility through a GPS wristwatch. A GPS wristwatch can keep track of your child’s location as well as the history of where he or she goes before and after school. Explain to your child that having a kid’s phone watch is part of keeping him or her connected to you always. When an emergency arises, you’ll be able to locate and get to them easily. Part of their responsibility is to always wear the watch and stay connected.


Sometimes children feel mistrusted when you don’t give them the freedom to do things on their own such as going to school via walking or riding a bus. Give your child the freedom and exercise independence but with one condition – to stay connected with you via a GPS wristwatch that doubles as a phone with call and texting service. Rely on him or her to do the right thing by keeping contact lines open and the locator on to know where they are always Clarify to your child that by being available all the time for communication and knowing his or her location makes them dependable to make the right decision and keep them out of harm’s way.


Commitment requires the diligence to do what you are obligated to do or something that’s agreed upon. Teach your child commitment by being available to connect and responsible enough to wear the GPS wristwatch every time they go out of the house. By committing to wearing a kid’s phone watch and being diligent to never forget to do so is training them to follow through with diligence.

Giving your child the freedom to go to school on his or her own by walking or taking the bus is combined with the responsibility of staying connected and open to being located at all times via GPS wristwatch. This gives your child a taste of independence, relying on themselves to do the right actions, and experiencing responsibility via reliability and commitment. These steps may seem simple and easy and that’s exactly where you should start teaching being responsible – steps that are easy to follow but still require self-discipline.